Terms and Conditions

1. About the Units published.


All the units published in the Web Site have been previously visited, selected and checked regarding their hygiene and safety conditions. They are also furnished and equipped for a comfortable stay within the market standards.

The Guest Capacity of the Units is the maximum occupancy published on the Website. 


As for the duration of the stay and the contract, it is established that for the Units it will not be less than 3 months with a maximum term to be agreed between the parties at the time of the final agreement. 


2. On the prices of the lodging.


The amount of the accommodation price of the Unit published on the Website is expressed in US dollars and includes basic telephone line (for incoming calls), cleaning service once a week, change of bed linen, condominium expenses (building expenses), municipal taxes, water, electricity, Internet and gas. 

If the electricity or gas consumption exceeds 50% of the usual consumption of the house, the guest must pay the difference. 


Any extras described in the characteristics of the Unit, such as cable TV, air conditioning, etc., will correspond only to the unit that includes it in its description and will not be considered as included in the rest of the Units.

3. About the Lodging Process. The Reservation.


- Select through the Internet the unit that meets your needs, check availability and click on Reservation Inquiry.


- Fill out the Reservation Inquiry form and send it with the necessary data for the process. Do not forget to fill in all the fields of the form. To process your request, it is necessary that you contact us at least 72 working hours prior to the Check In date.


- In less than 48 hours (working hours) you will receive an email with information about availability, the amount of rental, reservation and other conditions, requesting to confirm your reservation.


- Once you confirm your reservation, you will receive the information to make the payment. When the payment of the reservation is made, you will receive a voucher for your stay confirming the reservation.

- The documents will be exchanged electronically and signed by the parties involved.

-To entry the unit it is an essential condition to sign and validate the contract, which has been electronically sent and make the payment detailed supra. 


 - Upon entering the unit for the first time, must be paid to the hostess or host, one month's rent and one month's deposit which is equivalent to one month's rent. 


- By submitting the application and payment of Reservation, the Guest who will live in the Unit agrees to know, comply and enforce the Terms and Conditions explained here as well as in the Legal Notice published on the Website.


- NOTE: In order to make the reservation, and sign contracts and documents, and their validity in Argentina, the persons must be of legal age (nowadays 18 years old) and also be financially responsible for the payment of the contracted services.

4. About the payments to be made.


- The Reservation will be effective upon cash payment and/or transfer of the Concierge Fee stipulated by Spare Rooms Buenos Aires. 


- For payment of the Reservation: It will be made through credit in account, bank transfer or cash payment in our offices, pay pal transfer or western union transfer in US dollars or its equivalent in Argentine pesos, for which its conversion will be taken to the quotation of the US dollar bill in the free market of changes, selling rate of the day before the date of accreditation of the payment. The parties shall agree and electronically subscribe the means and mode of payment. 


- Prices are in U.S. dollars banknotes. Payments must be made in U.S. dollars or in Argentine pesos at the exchange rate of the day (selling price of www.dolarsi.com). In any case, by the principle of autonomy of will, the parties may agree on the currency of payment, both for reservation and for rental and deposit.  


5. About the Security Deposit:


- The Security Deposit shall be equivalent to one month's accommodation of the selected Unit and its value shall remain in the same monetary unit in which it was received.


- The Security Deposit will remain in the hands of the giver (host of the Unit) from the moment of signing the contract until the moment of check out.


- The Security Deposit is used to guarantee the fulfillment of the accommodation contract signed between the Guest and the giver, as well as to return the broken or missing personal property at the end of the stay and/or to return the conditions of the property to the state in which they were at the time of check in.

- If there are damages to the Unit, these will be deducted from the Security Deposit, according to the cost established in the inventory found in the contract signed at the time of check in.


- The Security Deposit will be returned to the Guest at the time of check out, that is to say, at the moment of leaving the Unit, prior review of the conditions in which the Guest delivers the Unit.


- The Units at the time of check out must be in the same conditions of order and cleanliness in which they were delivered to the guest at the time of check in and be inside the same, everything that appears in the inventory of the property. In the event that the amount equivalent to the guarantee is not sufficient due to breakage or loss of goods, the cost of the same shall be paid in full at the time of leaving the property, under penalty of breach of contract, and notice shall be given to the authorities, persons contracting the reservation and/or possible employment of the contracting person. 

- In case of early cancellation of the stay by the Guest, the Security Deposit will be returned to the Guest at the time of check out only if he/she has given prior notice to Spare Rooms Buenos Aires of his/her decision at least 30 days in advance and that everything is in proper conditions of use as he/she received the property. Otherwise -that he/she had omitted to give the previously established notice or due to the state of use and conservation of the property- the Security Deposit will not be refunded and will be used as payment for damages to the Host of the property.

6. About Check In and Check Out


- Spare Rooms Buenos Aires Check In and/or Check Out regular schedule is from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Should the guest request Check In and/or Check Out outside these hours, the guest/guest must previously agree on schedules and check availability. 


- About Check In: On the day of arrival at the Unit, the guest will go to the apartment where the giver will be waiting for him/her, who will be in charge of showing him/her the housing unit and the use of its facilities. After this, the inventory control of the Unit will be carried out in order to verify that the equipment offered is the existing one and that it is in working order. The guest will then receive the keys to the Unit. Once this has been done, the Guest is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for any damage or missing items in the Unit on which the Check In was made until the Check Out.


- On Check Out: On the day of departure from the Unit, the Unit Owner shall verify, based on the Unit's inventory, that all equipment and operation is in the same condition as at the time of Check In. If so, the Unit owner will proceed to return the Security Deposit in full to the Guest. If there is any breakage, damage, missing or malfunction of any of the inventory items, the cost of the same will be deducted from the Security Deposit, according to the value established in the inventory signed at the time of Check In. The Guest shall then hand over the keys of the Unit to the giver, who shall return the remaining amount of the Security Deposit. Once this has been done, both parties will leave the apartment.

7. About the use of the Land Line in the housing units.


For the Units, the use of the telephone line is at the discretion of the host of the Units. In most cases, the guest will be able to receive the calls made by family and friends, always respecting the schedule imposed by the giver for the reception of calls.


8. About Spare Rooms Buenos Aires Administrative Expenses.


The administrative expenses (Concierge Fee) of Spare Rooms Buenos Aires include all different services we provide to our guests. Among them, we reserve the chosen accommodation, if it is not available, we send you other options, we respond within 48 working hours of receiving the inquiry, we provide detailed information about the available rental options, we give advice when choosing the neighborhood, the accommodation, the residents, we mediate in case of problems during your stay. We are the trusted contact during our clients' stay in Buenos Aires.


- Spare Rooms Buenos Aires Administrative Fees are paid at the time of booking (Concierge Fee). Spare Rooms Buenos Aires will notify the guest of the amount corresponding to this concept.

. The monthly commission in favor of Spare Rooms Buenos Aires to be paid by the host / host, will be paid against invoice and to the accounts to be agreed upon.

9. About the Cancellation of the Reservation. Effects for Spare Rooms, and for the Property Host.

a.              Cancellation of the Reservation/ Guest change of mind.


a.i. Obligations and rights of Spare Rooms BA/Guest.


Background: Spare Rooms BA worked to confirm the reservation and devoted time to this process. In the event that the guest decides to cancel the final contract, this regret entails the refund of fifty percent (50%) of the reservation as long as it is communicated to Spare Rooms Buenos Aires within 7 (seven) calendar days after the reservation and 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the check in date.

In case of cancellation after 7 (seven) calendar days and/or with less than 30 (thirty) days prior to the check-in date, the policyholder is not entitled to any refund, and the total amount of the reservation will remain as a payment in compensation for the services obtained.


a.ii. Obligations and rights Spare Rooms BA/ Property Host.


Background: The Property Host has declined offers from other Guests to honor the Reservation to which the Guest commits to rent the property through Spare Rooms Buenos Aires offices and therefore needs a reasonable time to secure another guest.


In the event that the cancellation occurs within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the check in date, there is no fee to be charged.

In the event that the cancellation occurs less than 30 (thirty) days from the check in date, Spare Rooms BA will pay the property host 50% of the amount of the reservation that has been collected from the guest.

10. About the Cancellation of the Stay.


Background: The Host of the property has rejected offers from other guests in order to respect the contract signed with the guest who made the Reservation of the property through the offices of Spare Rooms Buenos Aires. That is why:


- If for any reason the Guest should request to shorten his/her stay, the total amount paid by contract as rent to date will not be refunded and will be used as payment for damages to the Host of the property for breach of contract and for expenses and services to Spare Rooms Buenos Aires. 

- It is an essential condition that in case of early termination, the guest must give the host thirty (30) calendar days prior notice of his/her intention to terminate the contract. If this requirement is not met, and the guest decides to leave early, an indemnity for early termination without prior notice will be applied in favor of the landlord, and it is equivalent to the security deposit and the equivalent of one month's rent. 

- In case of early cancellation of the stay by the Guest who has notified his decision in due time and form (i.e. thirty (30) calendar days in advance), the Security Deposit will be returned to the Guest at the time of check out, in accordance with the return policy.


11. On the correct use of the hired unit.


- It is expressly forbidden the entry of third parties outside the contract, a situation that will give cause and grounds to the host to terminate the agreement without further notice, and the guest must return the keys immediately for having infringed the entry of persons outside the agreed contract. 

- To receive and/or accommodate third parties inside the house or apartment there must be an explicit permission from the giver. This option must be requested and consulted prior to entry. Any damage or loss caused by the guest, is the responsibility of the guest who enters the apartment and authorizes its discount from the guarantee granted without further notice or act necessary (the inventory for the basis of any situation in relation to the goods, is according to the publication of the website and / or description of the property).

12. About what is NOT contemplated in the Terms and Conditions.


For everything not expressly contemplated in the Terms and Conditions detailed above, the word of the director of Spare Rooms Buenos Aires will be final, always respecting the framework of the current law on the subject of rentals in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Spare Rooms Buenos Aires is always at the disposal of the guests staying in the network to provide them with any kind of information and support they may require. That is why we recommend the guest to contact us as soon as possible in case of any irregularity, in order to find an expeditious solution to overcome the obstacles that may arise during the stay.


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